Monday, February 27, 2006

The Letter

Due March 4th, standard 9am EST, per Buffett's newest company news release, here. I assume Carol Loomis is editing now. He'll have to do it earlier in the future, due to new SEC rule about big companies reporting in 60 days, not 75. Thank god for Elliot -- those two weeks were absolutely excruciating. Set your outlook calendars now. See you in Omaha in May.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

GMO Letter

Check out the latest GMO update letter from Jeremy Grantham, one of the best at mean regression, here (login required). Great comments on historical economic context for last 25 year, probable impending volatility, presidential cycles, emerging markets, staying with winners, rebalancing, alternative asset classes, recent endowment outperformance, timber, and Minsky who said "stability is unstable," the anti-tautology.